How robust is the M&A market today and what lies ahead in 2024?

Join the AM&AA Midwest Chapter for a lively and interactive panel discussion on the state of the M&A market mid-2024. Our panel will be moderated by Roger Schoenfeld, the AM&AA Midwest Chapter Chair and will include private equity sponsors, diligence providers, lenders and other industry advisors. Drinks and appetizers will be available before and after the program during networking opportunities. Meet advisors from all aspects of the M&A industry and learn about the latest trends and M&A statistics provided by the AMAA semi-annual market survey.

Event Details


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Wintrust Bank

231 S. LaSalle Street Conference Center

Chicago IL 60604


Members: $45

Non-Members: $65
