AM&AA National M&A Market Survey Report
Date & Time
Friday, May 3, 2024, 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Want to get the latest in-depth review of the current M&A environment for the lower middle market? Come attend and receive a detailed presentation of the latest AM&AA 2024-Q2 National M&A Market Survey comprising data reported on over 2,000 deals.
Analysis includes:
• Deal volume
• Sale multiples
• Composition of consideration
• Target company financial performance
• Deal exports by industry
We'll discuss key factors for getting M&A deals signed and closed in today's market and analyzing how they've evolved. We'll also explore the 2024 M&A outlook, including the forces driving the market, and connect with your peers from CPA and attorney firms, CFOs and lenders. Attendees will be provided with copies of the presentation to share with clients.