AM&AA townhall meetings to serve as a platform for the M&A community to connect, ask questions, and gain first-hand insights to the latest industry responses. These meetings are open to the entire M&A community.

AM&AA 2021 Winter Town Hall

Join us for the AM&AA Winter Town Hall and hear from our esteemed panel about the trends and implications of making platform deals, what it means for PE firms, and what it means for the acquired companies (and companies that wish to be acquired). The discussions will also examine implications for firm capabilities, for what happens after a deal is done, particularly for talent management and other management capabilities at the acquired companies and at the PE firms that are making these acquisitions.


Thursday, December 16, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Central time zone


Click the button below to join the online webinar.


Have a question?


Chris Blees
Managing Partner

Graeme Frazier
Private Capital Research, LLC

Tom Stewart
Chief Knowledge Officer


AM&AA Town Hall meetings are open to the entire M&A community. There is no cost for active AM&AA members to attend. The fee for non-members is $25.

You only need to have access to the internet. We recommend using either Chrome or Firefox. Additionally, good internet connectivity will ensure high-quality video conferencing. Audio for the webinar will be streamed via your computer speakers. We encourage you to test your speakers before the event to make sure everything works as it should.

You do not need to download or install any software to participate. Additionally, a webcam is also not required. 

For technical assistance, please send an email to or click the conversation bubble on the right hand side of this page to start a live chat with a Five Star event support representative.

The webinar will take place during the Central time zone (Dallas,Texas,USA). 

You must first sign up for the webinar by clicking the button at the top right of this page. At that time you will be asked to create a password. Once you have finished signing up, simply click on "PARTICIPANT LOGIN" to join the event waiting room. Live chat with other attendees will be available while you wait for the event to begin. 

Yes. A recording of the webinar will be available to view on-demand 1-2 business days after the live online event.

You will be able to submit questions or comments by typing them into the Q&A widget during the event. These questions will be answered as time allows during the Question & Answer session following the presentation.

We welcome your questions. Please email us at

All feedback and suggestions for future trainings may be sent to