Full Name
Ryan McGuinness
Job Title
Director, Mortgage Servicing Policy, QA & Servicing Remedy Management
Freddie Mac
Speaker Bio
Ryan McGuinness is a Mortgage Servicing Policy Director in Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Servicing division. He is responsible for recommending, developing, communicating, implementing, and monitoring servicing policies and requirements. McGuinness has been with Freddie Mac for almost 16 years and has devoted most of that time to policy work. Prior to joining the Servicing Policy team, he spent over three years as a mortgage fraud investigator in Freddie Mac’s Fraud Investigation division. In his policy role, McGuinness has helped to develop most of Freddie Mac’s loss mitigation and foreclosure prevention policies currently in place, including extensive contributions to disaster and COVID-19 relief efforts and the creation of the Payment Deferral. McGuinness holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, from Providence College.
Ryan McGuinness