All times are listed in the Central time zone (CT).

Agenda details are subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates and speaker additions.


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Broker Master Class
Five Star Members | $1,000 Add-on
General Admission | $1,500 Add-on

Our Broker Master Class will provide you with the information you need to thrive as a broker. Unlike other classes, this is not about how to become a broker, but how to be a successful one.  It's a holistic program that includes: 

  • Nuts and bolts of Business Management
  • Technology – project management, marketing, expenses tracking
  • Best practices for running your business
  • Mental health & work-life balance
  • Team Building 
  • Customer Service
  • Marketing

Open to all conference registrants. Limited seating. RSVP required.
Select class during registration or modifying registration to purchase and RSVP. 

This certification add-on includes the Thursday Class Pass for access to the Classes offered on Thursday morning.

Jim Hastings Caslyn Huck Tamika Marks Sarah Richards Jeffery Shumaker
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

REO Certification Course
Five Star Members | $1,000 Add-on
General Admission | $1,500 Add-on

Our REO Certification will provide the highest education that real estate agents can learn from an experienced agent and instructor. The content will cover the important markets for agents to know and opportunities for success: Short Sales and REO listings. By learning the lifecycle of a foreclosure, you prepare yourself not just for additional opportunities but to understand the REO process from start to finish.  

Open to all conference registrants. Limited seating. RSVP required.
Select class during registration or modifying registration to purchase and RSVP. 

You will also receive access to the OnDemand certification for Foreclosures & Sheriff Sales. 

Jennifer Kuhn


Conference Only Registration does not include access to the six morning classes.

To gain access to the morning classes, select the add-on Class Pass option or the Certification + Class Pass option during registration or when modifying your registration to purchase a one-time pass that provides you with access to all six classes. Choose the three that will be most beneficial to you and it will be a morning well invested.

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Class #1 - Commercial REO
Commercial real estate foreclosures are on the rise. Join us to learn procedures and best practices from our commercial REO experts. They’ll share the knowledge and guidance you’ll need to be successful in a developing market segment.

Tamika Marks Sarah Richards

Class #2 - Flat Fee Real Estate Practices
There is a shift in brokerage models and how they serve their customers. This leads to the question “Is the traditional commission model still right for you?” The flat fee model has many advantages—cost savings for clients, simplicity for brokers—but it also has its challenges and downsides too. Join Jesse Gonzalez, who has created a successful brokerage built on flat fees, as he explains the flat fee model, the business plan, and the processes that have worked for him.

Jesus Gonzalez
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

REO Certification Course (continued)
Five Star Members | $1,000 Add-on
General Admission | $1,500 Add-on

Our REO Certification will provide the highest education that real estate agents can learn from an experienced agent and instructor. The content will cover the important markets for agents to know and opportunities for success: Short Sales and REO listings. By learning the lifecycle of a foreclosure, you prepare yourself not just for additional opportunities but to understand the REO process from start to finish.  

You will also receive access to the OnDemand certification for Foreclosures & Sheriff Sales. 

Jennifer Kuhn
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Class #3 - Commercial Short Sale
Commercial Short Sale - Familiar with Short Sales?  Use that knowledge to step foot into the Commercial REO space. This class will take an in depth look at finding and selling commercial properties in the short sale niche.  Learn how commercial short sales work before the market takes off without you.

Jeffery Shumaker

Class #4 - How to Get and Keep HUD Listings
Learn the steps to becoming an approved agent with HUD and how to apply with vendor managers for this work. We will walk you through the various steps, give you tips on the process, and teach you how to prepare for a HUD listing. Join this training so that you can get started with HUD. 

Tamika Marks Sarah Richards
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

FORCE Connect
This is an opportunity for intentional and structured networking, with scheduled, 5-minute meetings between active Asset Managers and FORCE agents and brokers. Asset Managers who are seeking new expert REO agents can host a table during this event and accept meeting requests from agents that fit their needs and criteria. FORCE agents can submit requests to meet with attending Asset Managers that need their unique skills.

For Asset Managers interested in hosting a table during FORCE Connect, contact Gina Gallutia.

FORCE Members & Invited Guests Only

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Class #6 - Relationships with Local Lenders
Don’t miss an opportunity right around the corner.  A close relationship with local lenders can be very fruitful, in both connections and assets. Learn to use your already existing relationships and build new ones to increase your share of the REO market.  The best place to  grow your market is your own backyard.

Michael Friedman

Class #5 - Uncommon Opportunities
What’s the best way to stay ahead of the competition? Create your own opportunities.  Even in a down market you can find opportunities for business, we’ll show you how.  This class will cover a variety of opportunities from FSBO, expired listings, investors using subject to mortgages, tax sales, sheriff sales, and more.

Jeffery Shumaker
11:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
Stop by the Registration & Hospitality Desk on the 4th floor to check-in and pick up your registration materials as you arrive on Thursday. 

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Welcome Lunch & Opening Keynote
Start your conference off with networking over a delicious lunch, followed by opening remarks and a riveting keynote from Bill Bymel, CEO & Chief Investment Officer at First Lien Capital.

Lunch will be served from 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Opening remarks begin at 1:00 PM

Bill Bymel
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

General Session #1 - If I Were in Your Shoes
Experience is invaluable, come listen to REO professionals with decades of combined experience. They’ve been through market cycles, legal issues, lack of inventory and every other challenge you can think of.  Through all the turmoil they found success and revenue, so can you. Draw on their knowledge and personal growth in REO to further your own success.

Jim Hastings Tiffany Fletcher RANDE JOHNSEN Eric Will
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Breakout - Beyond the Blueprint: Unconventional Approaches to Real Estate Success 
Explore the vast landscape of real estate and REO to discover untapped opportunities beyond conventional boundaries. This session will guide you through innovative approaches and strategies, revealing how to capitalize on hidden gems in the market for unparalleled investment achievements. Learn from industry leaders who have found success by thinking outside the box, from REO investments to unique property developments.

Eric Delgado Barry Owens

Breakout - Table Talk: Cost Saving Strategies
Join your peers for a table discussion lead by industry leaders on Cost Saving Strategies. You're invited to share tips and learn from others on this informative topic.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

General Session #2 - Navigating Hedge Fund Decision Makers
Private Equity is becoming an increasingly important part of the REO market, find the best way to connect with the decision makers. Come and gain insight into how private equity operates differently than other asset management. Find out how to stand out and what you’ll need to do to become their preferred REO agent.

Jennifer Kuhn Alecia Bolton Barry Owens Amy Stavin
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Welcome Reception
Seize the chance to network with industry leaders at the Welcome Reception. This is a prime opportunity to forge valuable connections with REO professionals, clients, and prospective new partners.


FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Get fueled for the day with a delicious breakfast. Maximize your meeting time and invite a colleague to join you! 

7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
Registration will remain open throughout the day to assist with any questions you may have. Be sure to connect with exhibitors to learn how their services can help your business. 

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Breakout - Exploring Flat Fee Real Estate Models
Jesse Gonzalez of Liberty House Realty guides you through case studies of flat fee models in small groups. Participants will learn lessons and discuss outcomes of what this model means for them and the impact it can have in their business. Groups will then design a flat fee service model and discuss the viability of it in their market.

Jesus Gonzalez

Breakout - Table Talk: Creative Financing to Close 
Learn from others how creative financing helped them close. Hosted table discussions allow for an interactive conversation where you're encouraged to share your tactics on this topic.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

General Session #3 - Boots on the Ground
As the asset managers representative inspections are key. Details provided help determine what’s necessary to make the asset a profitable investment. Come learn from our panel  how your inspection is valued and how you can use acceptable non-licensed team members (photographers, assistants, etc.) to assist you with managing a number of assets. Your responsibility and success in REO is determined by how well you can return profit on assets, hear from the experts on how to do this.

Bill Bymel Mary Best-Brill Kimberly L McClinton Rida Sharaf
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

General Session #4 - Law & Order: REO
Legal hold-ups can cost you time, money, and even assets. Members of Legal League will bring you the information you need to navigate these challenges. Come hear from our legal panel on how to avoid costly delays, expedite your return on investment, while respecting the rights and dignity of all parties involved.

Jeffery Shumaker Melissa Coutts Stephen Hladik Roy Diaz Benjamin Mayer
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch & Networking

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Table Talks
Table talks combine the best of both worlds, networking and education. This is your opportunity to join a table, make new connections, and discuss key topics of the day. It's a great way to exchange knowledge and best practices, as well as digital business cards. Topics include:

  • Flat Rate Fees
  • Growing Your Skill Set Before Your Pocket Book
  • Grunt Work Before the Listings
  • Property Management
  • Repairs and Rehabs
Jesus Gonzalez Sarah Richards Tamika Marks Jennifer Kuhn Jim Hastings
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

General Session #5 - All Things Numbers
Responsibly handling an asset involves expenses. You should always be ready with the supplies, connections and contractors necessary, but do you know all your costs?  Keeping the full scope of costs in perspective is a priority, and necessary to keep your business profitable.  Come find out how to maintain the financial health of your business and assets in your care with our panel of experts. 

Kimberly L McClinton Kelly Tingle Tamika Marks Keith Stone
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

General Session #6 - Commercial REO
Don’t be intimidated by entering a new segment of the market. Hear from professionals already working in Commercial REO on how to start and be successful in this new endeavor. Commercial assets present special challenges, preparation and knowledge before jumping in are vital. You’ll leave this panel knowing how to apply your existing skills and experience to this growing segment.

Julia Feng John Dyer Louis Chavez Gay-Lynn Chavez
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Happy Hour
Close out the conference by joining us for happy hour!